- Mr. Uhlenbruch, the comeback of the year will be celebrated with InterTabac and InterSupply in September in Dortmund. How many exhibitors have registered for the trade fair duo?
cigar roller
A cigar roller is a craftsman who specializes in rolling cigars. This is a demanding job that requires a lot of experience, patience and skill. The cigar roller starts with tobacco leaves, which are first sorted and then assembled into a bundle. These bundles are then stacked on special boards and placed in a climate room to mature
As soon as the tobacco has matured, the cigar roller begins the actual rolling process. The rolling process begins with the cigar roller selecting a tobacco leaf to use as the binder for the cigar. The binder is the leaf that surrounds the actual filler and provides an even burn. The cigar roller then selects a blend of tobacco leaves for the cigar filler, which are then rolled into a bundle.
The next step is to wrap the binder around the filler bundle and shape the cigar. The cigar roller uses his fingers and hands to shape the cigar, paying particular attention to the density and even distribution of the tobacco. Once the cigar is rolled, it is placed in a bundle and stored in a special room for several days to absorb moisture and age.
An experienced cigar roller can roll several dozen cigars a day. Most cigar rollers work in tobacco factories in countries like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. In these countries, cigar rolling has a long tradition and is an important industry.
The skill of cigar rolling is an important part of cigar culture. Some cigar makers produce limited edition cigars that are hand rolled to emphasize the craftsmanship. Additionally, some cigar bars and shops have live cigar rollers showing patrons how to roll a cigar.
Overall, cigar rolling is a demanding art that requires both skill and experience. The cigar rollers play an important role in the cigar industry, contributing to the production of high quality, handcrafted cigars.
How many tobacco manufacturers are there
It is difficult to give an exact number of the world's cigar manufacturers as there is no official count and the number is constantly changing. However, there are thousands of companies that produce cigars, ranging from small artisanal manufacturers to large multinational corporations.
Most cigar manufacturers are located in traditional tobacco growing countries such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras and Mexico. These countries are known for their tobacco growing techniques and have a long history of cigar production. Many of the cigar makers in these countries have long family traditions and have been in the business for several generations.
There are also cigar makers in other countries like the US, Canada, Costa Rica, Panama, Brazil and the Netherlands. These countries may not have the same long history of cigar production as the traditional tobacco producing countries, but still have a growing number of cigar makers.
However, it should be noted that not all cigar manufacturers grow their own cigars. Many cigar manufacturers get their tobacco from other sources, either domestically or internationally. Some cigar manufacturers also have different tobacco growing areas or partners from which they source their tobacco.
Although the number of cigar manufacturers worldwide is high, the industry is still dominated by a limited number of large companies. Some of the largest cigar manufacturers are Imperial Brands, Scandinavian Tobacco Group, Davidoff, Altadis USA and Habanos SA These companies often have a wide range of cigar brands and offer both premium and mainstream products.
In summary, there are a large number of cigar manufacturers around the world, varying in size, history and origin. Although a few large companies dominate the industry, there are still many small and artisanal cigar makers that are valued for their unique products and manufacturing methods.
Cigar growing areas
Tobacco for cigars is grown in many countries around the world. Each region and country has its own unique climate and soil conditions that affect the quality and flavor of the tobacco grown. Here are some of the major tobacco growing countries and regions known for producing cigars
Overall, there are many countries around the world that grow tobacco for the production of cigars. Some other important growing areas are for example Ecuador, Peru, Cameroon and the Philippines.
In Ecuador, tobacco is primarily used to produce wrappers, which are known for their silky texture and mild flavor. In Peru, tobacco is mainly grown in the region around the city of Piura and often has a spicy flavor. In Cameroon, tobacco is primarily used in the production of cigars with a Cameroonian wrapper known for its earthy flavor and dark color. In the Philippines, tobacco is mainly used for the production of machine-made cigars.
Each growing region has its own unique climate and soil conditions that affect the quality and flavor of the tobacco grown. Tobacco from different regions can have very different flavor and aroma profiles. Some cigar makers blend tobacco from different growing regions to create unique flavors and aromas.
Tobacco Fair in Dortmund
The InterTabac is an annual trade fair and an important meeting place for the tobacco and cigar industry. It has been held every September at the Dortmund Exhibition Center in Germany since 1978 and is one of the largest trade fairs of its kind in the world. The fair attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every year, including professionals from the tobacco and cigar industry, retailers, importers and wholesalers
InterTabac offers exhibitors a platform to present their latest products and services. Here, visitors can learn about the latest in cigars and tobacco, discover innovative smoking gear and accessories, and see the latest technology and machinery for manufacturing cigars and tobacco products. The show also offers networking opportunities, seminars and workshops for industry professionals to expand their knowledge and skills and learn about the latest developments in the industry.
InterTabac is also an important place for exchanging information and ideas within the industry. Here professionals can discuss the latest trends and developments in the industry and drive the future development of the tobacco and cigar industry. Visitors can also take part in various competitions and tastings to improve their taste and sensory knowledge.
The fair is divided into different exhibition areas, including cigars, tobacco, pipes, smoking accessories, accessories, lighters and much more. The cigar exhibition is one of the most important areas of the fair and offers visitors the opportunity to learn about and taste the latest cigar brands and varieties. In this area, professionals can also take part in various tastings and workshops to deepen their knowledge of cigars.
InterTabac is an important meeting place for the tobacco and cigar industry as it offers visitors the opportunity to network, discover new products and follow the latest developments in the industry. The show is also a place for exchanging ideas and information to advance the future of the tobacco and cigar industry.
How bad are cigars really
AWe also deal with the negative sides of smoking. But if you go after that, you probably shouldn't do anything with pleasure anymore. Here, as with all others, it depends on the quantity.
Cigars are a type of tobacco product made from fermented tobacco leaves. Unlike cigarettes, cigars are not typically inhaled, rather the smoke is held in the mouth and then exhaled. Many people believe that cigars are less harmful than cigarettes because they are not inhaled. However, smoking cigars is not harmless and can cause serious health problems.
Cigar smoke contains many of the same chemicals as cigarette smoke, including tar, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, and benzene. These chemicals are carcinogenic and can lead to a variety of health problems, including lung, throat, mouth, and esophagus cancer. Cigar smoke also contains more nicotine than cigarette smoke, which can lead to greater addiction.
In addition, smoking cigars can lead to other health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and chronic respiratory disease. There are also some risks specific to cigar smokers, such as the possibility of developing cigar mouth, a form of oral cancer. This form of cancer often occurs on the inside of the lips and cheeks and can be difficult to treat.
It's also important to note that cigar smoke affects not only the smoker themselves, but also passive smokers nearby. Passive smoking can be just as harmful as active smoking and can lead to many of the same health problems.
Although cigars can be considered a "luxury" and are often associated with celebratory occasions such as weddings or business events, one should be aware that smoking cigars is not harmless and can have serious health effects. If one decides to smoke cigars, one should be aware of the risks and try to keep smoking to a minimum. Of course, the best thing to do is to stop smoking tobacco products altogether and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Dona pile
novel and cigar
"Dona Flor" is a novel by Brazilian writer Jorge Amado, first published in 1966. It's a fascinating story about love, loss and Brazilian culture. Set in the city of Salvador da Bahia in Brazil, the action follows a widow named Dona Flor who is torn between her new husband and her late husband, with whom she is still connected. The novel has been translated into several languages and has become a classic of Brazilian literature. It has also been adapted as a film and a play.
The "Dona Flor" cigar is named after the above-mentioned novel by Jorge Amado and is produced by the Brazilian tobacco company Menendez Amerino. The cigars are handcrafted and made from Brazilian tobacco known for its rich and flavorful flavor. The Dona Flor brand offers a variety of cigar formats and strengths ranging from mild to strong options. The Dona Flor cigars are popular with cigar smokers all over the world and have received several awards for their quality.
The Dona Flor cigar brand was founded in 1992 by the Brazilian tobacco company Menendez Amerino, making it a comparatively young brand in the world of cigars. Named after the famous novel by Jorge Amado, the brand is known for its use of Brazilian tobacco, valued for its rich and flavorful flavor. Over the past few years, the Dona Flor brand has become a popular choice for cigar smokers around the world and has received multiple awards for its quality.
sizes of cigars
A cigar consists of three main parts: the filler, the binder and the wrapper. The size and shape of the cigar is determined by the way these three components are put together. There are many different sizes and shapes of cigars called vitolas, and the size and shape can have a significant impact on the flavor and smoking experience
Here are some of the most common cigar sizes and their typical characteristics:
There are also many other sizes and shapes of cigars including Belicoso, Figurado, Perfecto and many more. Each size and shape has its own unique characteristics and can affect the taste and smoking experience. Belicoso cigars are usually conical in shape, with a rounded head and a pointed foot. These cigars are typically slightly shorter and have a larger ring gauge than the classic torpedo shape. Figurado cigars are a broad category of cigars that are irregular in shape, such as the Solomones or pyramids, with a conical shape and a tapered tip. Perfecto cigars have an unusual shape, with a pointed foot and head, and are typically slightly wider in the middle.
Choosing the size and shape of a cigar often comes down to the smoker's personal preferences. Size can affect flavor as larger cigars tend to offer a fuller smoking experience, while smaller cigars have shorter smoking times and are better suited to casual smokers. The shape can also have an impact, as a conical
New TeInterTabac 2022
Normally nobody asks about the people behind such a trade fair. We would like to send a signal that we don't forget every single person who works on the big picture.
Art can also be advertising
There are always images and statues where, in my opinion, the boundary between art and stylish advertising disappears or becomes very narrow.
Today we went to a flea market where I found such a limit. Thinking back to Camel's cinema ad, with that camel cartoon and lots of wit, brings back good memories.
When I look at the oversized picture, exactly these memories are awakened again, not of smoking, which hopefully everyone who does it started late, no, rather of the beautiful hours with our parents, siblings and friends. The first time cinema, the first time the camel by Camel... what did the Marlboro man in children's eyes have to say against it.
I'd bet a lot of us didn't associate this camel with cigarettes or smoking, just found this form of advertising fun and entertaining. And when you find something like that in large format at a flea market, which is also for a good cause, then the memories are all the more beautiful and tangible.
Where there is joy, there is also sorrow
For me as a smoker, I also see a great meanness. There is advertising for alcohol or anything else unhealthy, as soon as tobacco is involved, nothing can be done on this track anymore. Everyone is the architect of their own fortune, and everyone knows that smoking is not really healthy. But alcohol is just as bad, if not worse.
However, enjoying both with a healthy awareness, isn't that really the great art? Shouldn't it be up to you how you deal with it?
One cannot simply ban one type of advertising and other things that are not only harmful to oneself, but also to many fellow human beings (road traffic) continue to flicker across the screen.
And to be honest, we prefer to think of good times and less of such words as: is harmful, cancer, etc. Each of us has memories that we associate with such images.
Therefore, when you see things like this that stand between art and simple advertising, save her and see her with a nice cigar, or whatever you associate her with, and reminisce and just switch off.
Believe me, we don't have enough moments like this, because everyday life will catch up with us again at the next opportunity.
InterTabac 2022
It's finally here again. After InterTabac 2019 and a subsequent Corona break, a large team is committed to ensuring that the trade fair for tobacco products and accessories starts again this year.
It starts again from 09/15/2022 - 09/17/2022.
Well-known, but also new worlds in the tobacco industry open up to trade visitors.
This year, too, the fair is not lacking in great stands. In addition to well-known exhibitors, more than 160 new exhibitors are also drawn to Dortmund.
The most important news will be published on the InterTabac website. But what is happening behind the scenes. The stand builders are out and about days beforehand, almost unnoticed, so that the exhibitors and visitors feel as comfortable as possible. A large team takes care of the supply of the individual stands, so that those who have registered can take their seats, the press receives their passes and that everyone's physical well-being is ensured. All this and much more does not happen by itself. It has to be coordinated, every single cleaning lady has to know where they work, every ticket seller has to be familiar with legitimacy, everyone involved in the promotion has to put on a friendly smile and come across as convincing.
Normally nobody asks about the people behind such a trade fair. We would like to send a signal that we don't forget every single person who works on the big picture.
NeuerHello dear friends of pleasure smoking,
Mr. Uhlenbusch, who is completely occupied these days with the planning of the InterTabac and the many inquiries and accreditations from the press, actually took the time to exclusively answer a few questions for us.
Of course, it is not only Mr. Uhlenbusch who helps this fair to be a great success, but a whole team of people. Nevertheless, we feel honored and look forward to being able to answer some of your questions through him.
2. There are many new exhibitors, how many exactly? Which regions of the world do most of them come from and in which product categories are they represented?
3. The supporting program is only available in this form for the second time at the trade fair duo. What is there for visitors to discover?
4. In 2019 there were around 13,800 visitors at the trade fair duo, how many do you expect this year?
5. What Corona measures will there be in September this year?
Tickets for the InterTabac and the InterSupply are >>> available here.
The current, complete exhibitor list, the trade fair highlights and news are available on the trade fair website (InterTabac/InterSupply), on the online platform
Business Insights, on LinkedIn or directly by newsletter (InterTabac/InterSupply).